What is it?

It's a version of our entry product structured to allow Schools, University Master in Fundraising and Professional Fundraisers to mantain a didactic tool for students' excercices on: fundraising, doations managment, Consituents' database managment, clustering and much more.
To date, there is no analogue product studied and developed with these goals in Europe.


GreenbymyDonor® education free for SchoolsUniversitary Masters in Fundraising and Professional fundraisers
The Master in Fundraising of Bologna university uses Green bymyDonor® Education for the non profit database course
2015-11-15 11_10_45-Master in Fundraising - Master in Fundraising

The steps


1. Video tutorial
2. Client database management with clustering criteria
3. Donations management, correlated info and thanksgiving
4. Query reporting and mass communication activity

The questions are chosen randomly and are different for each student, with over 100 available and three possible answers.

The questions aren't technical only but also about general knowledge. They were written by Marco Cecchini and Marco Parisini, exploiting their 20 years experience in this field, between dozens of non profit Organizations.

A true best practices manual

Control panel

The Educators possess a control panel which allows them to:

1. Define the number of questions
2. Set the minimum amount of correct answers for each step
3. Monitor each student's progress and result
4. Possess all questions' correct answers
5. Implement new questions


... By the end of the course

the student receives by email

The Certificate of Data Base Manager in Fundraising